
Scheldt valley: National Park
As of 13 October, Flanders no longer has one but four National Parks. After a tough selection process, the Scheldt Valley (Nationaal Park Scheldevallei) was one of three newcomers to receive this promising label. For almost 50 years, the Scheldt Valley has been an important part of Flanders’ efforts towards climate change adaptation. Since 1976, […]

LIFE Sparc: 5 years on
For almost five years, LIFE Sparc has been giving eight project areas of the Sigmaplan a boost. With subsidies from the European Union’s LIFE programme, four partners – Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, Regionaal Landschap Schelde-Durme and Flanders Hydraulics Research – are working to arm the Scheldt river valley against climate […]

Scheldt Valley River Park in the running for label National Park
In the autumn of 2021, 10 areas applied for the ‘National Park Flanders’ label. The Scheldt Valley River Park landed on the shortlist at the beginning of 2022 and is now working on a dossier to convince the jury: “The Sigmaplan and LIFE Sparc areas are at the basis of our story.” As of right […]

LIFE Sparc: three more years!
Great news: the Sparc–project has been extended by three years! That means we can continue to invest in a climate-proof Scheldt Valley up until August 2025. Sparc launched five years ago. Through the European Union’s LIFE programme, we received subsidies to further develop eight of the Sigma Plan’s project areas and to arm them against […]

Work begins at Groot Schoor
Preparations for the depoldering of Groot Schoor in Hingene (Bornem) are underway. This will create more room for tidal nature along the river, while also protecting the surrounding area from storm tide. An alternative route is available to cyclists and pedestrians during this period. Groot Schoor is one of the Sigmaplan projects receiving additional support […]

STROOM, a new festival in the Scheldt valley with a heart for sustainable nature.
This summer, the Scheldt valley will turn into STROOM, a new festival on nature and sustainability. From June 23rd to July 3rd 2022, STROOM will take you on a discovery of music and art along the Scheldt’s most beautiful nature. What to expect? Large outdoor concerts, intimate musical experiences, sustainable discourses and an art route. […]

Waterfalls in Flanders? No way!
You can visit real waterfalls at three different locations in the Scheldt valley. If your timing is right at least. But don’t worry, that’s why we’ve provided a handy tool to plan your visit for the best spectacle. Waterfalls in the countryside of Flanders? But yes of course! At high tide, the sluices come into […]

How salty and cold is the Scheldt?
There is a lot of life in the Scheldt, but the river has gone through more difficult times. That is why researchers constantly monitor the quality of the water. A healthy river is a fascinating and complex ecosystem with all kinds of plants, fish, mammals, invertebrates, algae and more. There is always something new to […]

The first milestone reached
On July 6th Groot Schoor in Hamme was depoldered, giving the Scheldt river some much needed breathing space. This marks the first of the Sigma Plan projects supported by LIFE Sparc to be implemented, though not exactly completed. Over the coming years the area will continue to develop into freshwater mud flats and marshes, providing […]